EU kNowleDge hUb foR enAbling MolteN Salt ReaCtor safety development and dEployment

Grand Objective

To support the safe operation and the technological development of Molten Salt Reactor (MSR) technology in Europe, through the knowledge advancement in different fields of MSR research and safety assessment, connecting the needs of reactor designers and industry with the university and research centre capabilities and the regulator requirements.

To improve the maturity of relevant Critical Technology Elements (CTEs) that are key enablers for the industrial deployment of the MSR technology. The five CTEs in which the ENDURANCE project will contribute are:

The environment created by the project will allow to promote cross-fertilization of ideas, solutions of technological issues, discussion about the regulatory framework of the MSR. The outcomes of the project on the different CTEs will be analysed to define a technological and scientific roadmap for the future development and deployment of MSR technology in Europe.

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